Jye’s book review


Blueback by Tim Winton

Blueback is a book about a boy named Abel who loves the sea. He goes out one day in a dinghy looking for crayfish. He dives down deep under the sea to look for crayfish on the rocks. A huge black shadow surrounds him. He picks up a crayfish and something pulls it out of his hand. He panics and swims back to the surface.

Do you know what the shadow is? If you want to find out you’ll have to read this wonderful book.

9 thoughts on “Jye’s book review

  1. It sounds like a great book.I can’t wait to read it.I hope the shadow is a catfish.Meow.

  2. Hi Jye,
    I have read lots of books by Tim Winton … but not this one. You have made it sound very interesting and exciting. Is the huge, black shadow friendly or mean. There is only one way I will find out. Read the book! Don’t tell me what happens. When I have read the book I will have a chat with you.
    Happy Reading,
    Mrs Johnston

    • Thank you for reading my book review.
      Once you read it you will want to buy it.
      Mr.McGaw introduced this book to the whole class
      and read it all to us throughout the term. I got a copy from him and I love it.

      Thank you for commenting on my book review ,


  3. I’ve read this book so I know what the shadow is! I won’t spoil it for anyone though…
    This is a beautiful story and one of my favourites. I loved it so much after I read the copy from the library, that I now have my own copy on my bookshelf at home!

  4. Hello Jye,
    I have read this book to every class I have taught since 2008 and you deserved winning the book after we finished the final chapter. Tim Winton is an incredible author and I think Abel found a new friend down there in the deep ocean shadows, a new friend called ‘Blueback’.

  5. Good job Jye. I really enjoyed listening to Mr McGaw reading Blueback and as he said you listen to every bit and you well and truly deserved it.

  6. Hello Jye, when Mr McGaw read this book to us in class, I always imagined living on a remote beach with pretty much nothing around!! It was a fantastic story!!

    How did you imagine yourself while we read this story?

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