Blog Dog goes to the disco!

Dear Diary,

Ching! The money hit the container. Ofa, Elenoa and I got stamps on our hands and paw and entered the disco. I got to meet and greet some of Elenoa’s friends. We took some pictures and pounced into the hall. The lights switched off and the music started. The disco had begun.

Firstly we played hula hoop games. Eleanoa told me a secret. (She isn’t a good hula hooper.) You got a lollie if you tried to hula hoop. I did it the easy way. I jumped through the hoops! We got heaps of prizes from winning games. Secondly we did limbo. I easily made it. I played dead and got a lollie. It was fun and every time Elenoa went, she made it too. Thirdly we did cards. Each student leader had a card, diamonds, hearts, clubs, spades. They played the music for a little while then when the music stopped everyone sprinted after one of the cards. DJ Manning then picked a card and everyone got out from the card he picked.

Everyone loved dancing, lollies and trampolines. I got tapped on the paw and I got to jump on the trampoline. I also got heaps of lollies for being the best dog dancer in the house. I had photos and selfies with everyone everywhere. Elenoa and I danced every single dance there was with the smile never peeling off our faces.

EIn the middle of the nutbush Elenoa’s dad arrived and I snuggled in my warm bag. It was an exhausting night that was awesome, maybe my #1 favourite time ever! After that we walked home. We had a yummy pineapple salad and I was also showed a delicious new drink. It’s called Kombucha and it is A-MAZE-ING!

Bye til next time, BD

BD not only stands for Blog Dog, but also Best Dancer. Well best dog dancer anyway.


Don’t you just love the English language? It is continually evolving and changing to reflect the times. Take for example, fomo, selfie, chillax, guyliner, mankini, twitterati to name just a few.

This morning I opened a box of books and was intrigued by a book titled The Catawampus Cat by Jason Carter-Eaton. It’s a magical story about a peculiar, crooked cat who helps people see things a little differently. On reading the blurb I was surprised to learn that catawampus is a real word dating back to the 1840s and means  “diagonal or at an angle,” “askew, awry, or crooked.” For example, “Mr Gaffney, your tie is catawampus; let me straighten it for you.”

It got me thinking about how much fun it would be to make up some crazy words of my own. What about…

Excelagination: “Colin Thompson’s books show that he has an excelagination.”

Campeachy: “One of Mrs Riding’s favourite holidays is to campeachy.”

Why don’t you make up some new words of your own? Go on. I challenge you.

My weekend with Rose

Dear Diary,

Today I’m going home with Rose.

I got to see all of Rose’s friends and Eliza read a story. Now we are playing hide and seek. yah!

Rose’s Aunty came to look after us while nan was at work and Steve read a book to me.

Sunday we went shopping. It was a fun weekend with Rosie and Rose came up with a new nick name for me. Blogging doggie! What do you think?

Bye BD

A Notable announcement!

Last week saw the announcement by the Children’s Book Council of Australia(CBCA) of this year’s list of notables or in other words, the ‘long list.’ It is from these books that the short list will be selected next month in the lead up to Book Week. We are very fortunate in Australia to have such a depth of talented authors and illustrators producing quality books for children and young people. This is evident when you look at the diverse range of titles included in this year’s list. Have a look for yourself.

2017 Notables